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Energy from waste
Hot water | Steam | Electricity

One of the most significant advantages of waste-to-energy incineration plants is the generation of cleaner and more sustainable energy. Traditional waste disposal methods, such as landfilling, contribute to the release of greenhouse gases and air pollution, which can harm the environment and human health.


In contrast, waste-to-energy incineration plants utilise advanced technologies to convert waste into energy. The process involves controlled combustion of waste materials, such as municipal solid, industrial, or agricultural waste, in specially designed chambers. This combustion process not only reduces the volume of waste but also harnesses the energy released during the process.


By converting waste into energy, these incineration plants offer a cleaner alternative to traditional forms of energy generation. The combustion process is carried out under strict environmental regulations and utilises sophisticated air pollution control systems. These systems capture and treat harmful emissions, such as particulate matter, heavy metals, and dioxins, before they are released into the atmosphere.

Surefire Stepped Hearth Incinerator

The waste is charged at one end and through the action of the steps, the combusting waste is maneuvered through the unit until it is automatically discharged as ash.


Stepped hearths are typically selected when the waste is easily combustible. i.e., like high plastic medical waste.


There are several advantages to this. Primarily, the plant can be operated 24 hours a day because it does not have to cool to remove the ash. In addition, the agitation caused by the tumbling of the waste constantly exposes fresh surfaces of the waste to the combustion process, which promotes high-quality ash.

Watercolor Stain
Watercolor Stain Transparent

Hot Water



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